The NGO THY, in collaboration with the organization QIPS (Center for Information and Social Improvement), has organized various activities as part of Mental Health Awareness Week "Art Therapy." The activities…
Sot është mbajtur punëtoria THUJE e facilituar nga pjesëmarrësit të cilët janë pjesë e projektit Entrepreneurial Mindset through Social Innovation in Youth Work, i mbështetur nga Programi Erasmus+. Gjatë kësaj…
Sot u mbajt punëtoria Mind Body and Soul, ku morrën pjesë të rinjë me përvoja më të ndryshmet. Gjatë kësaj dite ata formuan një rreth besimi me njëri-tjetrin, gjë që…
Fokus grupi i cili po ndodh tani në Prizren, ka mbledhur përfaqësues nga shoqëria civile dhe sektori privat që të informohen rreth bashkëpunimit mes Komunës Prizrenit në fushën e turizmit…
Today at the Universiteti Ukshin Hoti in Prizren, we have organized Workshop under the project Gender out of the box supported by Erasmus+. Era Rina and Trojë have shared their…
And here we have also photos from the second Workshop, organized by participants of TC EMSI-YW from Kosovo, held in YMCA in Kosovo The workshop Social Entrepreneurship: Think and Inspire…
Few photos from the first Workshop, organized by participants of TC EMSI-YW from Kosovo, held in Prizren. The workshop Social Entrepreneurship: Think and Inspire aimed to inform the participants the…
Participants of Training Course EMSI-YW from North Macedonia, held a local workshop in Bitola. The workshop Improve Your Soft Skills aimed to inform the participants on soft and essential skills,…
Some photos from today€™s workshop Zani i Aktivizmit, led by Roland Sylejmani and Yeliz Bilurdagi. The organization of this activity was aimed at creating a network of young people with…
Today was held a workshop on Public Speaking, Pitching and Presentation Skills with trainer Mrs. Shenaj ShalaWe thank the trainer who with great dedication; motivated the participants with her advice,…