The PONDER workshop focused on critical media education, where participants improved their skills in critical thinking, writing and reading, understanding, and challenging subjective information during the five-day seminar. Additionally, Ponder…
BarCamp Prizren is an informal event that enables the presentation of ideas and innovations and open discussions on various issues. It places great importance on interactive debates between the speakers…
Shpallje për pozitë të lirë të punës PozitaAsistent/e i/e Projektit Periudha e punësimit (Prej – Deri)Tetor 2024 – 31 Gusht 2025LokacioniPrizren OJQ THY shpall konkurs për vend të lirë të…
Position: Trainer for Event ManagementLocation: PrizrenApplication Deadline: 12.07.2024 Role Overview:We are looking for Event Management Trainer to deliver engaging, practical, and comprehensive training sessions. The trainer will be responsible for…
NGO THY Announces Recruitment for Trainers In the framework of the opening of the first Center for the Education and Training of Youth and Adults in Prizren, NGO THY announces…
Invitation to submit offers Subject Furniture Supply for the Youth and Adult Learning and Education Center Client NGO THY Location Str. Ismet Jashari Kumanova, no. 106, 20000 Prizren, Republic of…
Call for Offers Subject Supply of Technological Equipment for the Youth and Adult Learning and Education Center Client OJQ THY Location Str. Ismet Jashari Kumanova, no. 106, 20000 Prizren, Republic…
Organizata gjermane e cila vepron në Kosovë - Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen German Organization Operating in Kosovo - Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes e.V. (DVV International)…
The German organization operating in Kosovo - Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes e.V. (DVV International) announces a job vacancy for the position of Manager of the Youth and…
The NGO THY, in collaboration with the organization QIPS (Center for Information and Social Improvement), has organized various activities as part of Mental Health Awareness Week "Art Therapy." The activities…
The seminar "Beyond Volunteerism" was held with the aim of raising awareness among young people about the importance of volunteer work. This event brought together passionate volunteers who want to…
Join NGO THY and apply for the position of Project Manager for the project “ARKA Youth Multifunctional Center” funded by the EU, managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo,…
The “Rock N Road” project is a platform where young people can exchange music and culture from their respective countries. Through this project, 20 young individuals from various countries in…
NGO THY is seeking to engage 2 (two) International Trainers to conduct a 4 (four) day summer schoolswith up to 30 youth participating in the subject of social enterprise and…
I have learned important things about Digital learning which I can apply in my profession in the near future. Moreover, this enriching experience enabled us to see and do things…
Vlerësim mbi nevojat e të rinjve në Komunën e Prizrenit Prizren belediyesinde gençlerin ihtiyaçlarina yönelik degerlendirme Procenjivanje potreba mladih u Opštini Prizren NEEDS ASSESSMENT OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN PRIZREN MUNICIPALITY…
Supporting Employability through Self Development - Toolkit from NGO THY This toolkit brings a compilation of workshops that can be used on different youth activities on the topics of unemployment, employability,entrepreneurship and…
If you want more information on how to participate in the Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge, which will take place from November 29 - December 1, 2019 in Pristina, where you…