Today, on 25 May 2019 was held the NETWorking workshop, which was conducted by young workers who were trained in Italy under the ERASMUS + Program. Apart from sharing the…
OJQ THY extends its gratitude to our partners, IPSIA Kosovo, NGO ECD, and all the students who contributed to organizing today’s city cleanup activity. Additionally, the citizens of Prizren had…
The afternoon session of day two was around the activity walk and talk. During this activity the participants discussed a few statements around Entrepreneurship, while after dinner we had the…
We are here on the first day of the TC Entrepreneurial Mindset through Social Innovation in Youth Work where the participants are getting to know each other, and they are…
The first Training Course within the project Entrepreneurial Mindset through Social Innovation in Youth Work (EMSI-YW) is taking place in Durrës, Albania from 19-29 April 2019 which brought together 32…
The engines of EMSI-YW project have started working with the Kick Off Meeting which is being held during 22-25 February 2019, in Prishtina, Kosovo. The project Entrepreneurial Mindset through Social…
THY NGO has organised a virtual exhibition contents, part of the implemented project PA (WITHOUT) HIV/AIDS, supported by NGO Integra.The works are made by high school students of Prizren, with…
Our local (online) workshops facilitated by the participants part of the project Entrepreneurial Mindset through Social Innovation in Youth Work was successfully delivered. wherever you are, be fully there! #EMSI-YW…
Ditën e djeshme organizuam punëtorinë Design Thinking një përvojë kaq e shkëlqyeshme për të mësuar rreth përdorimit të kësaj metodologjie në fusha të ndryshme dhe rëndësinë që kompanitë e mëdha…
Today our volunteers took part on workshop within a project Together We Can where together with other youngsters of different ethnicities discussed about languages, traditions, culture and other common things…