Subject: | Renovation of the NGO THY Facility / Prizren, Ismet Jashari Kumanova Street, No. 106, 20000 Prizren |
Client: | DVV International , Str, Rexhep Mala, no 26 , Prishtinë, Kosovë |
Project: | Professionalization of Adult Education Centers (ALE) in Kosovo |
Location: | Prizren / Republic of Kosovo |
Deadline: | 01.10.2023 |
Contact: | ralija@dvv-international-ks.org; info@ojqthy.org |
DVV International is the international institute of the German Adult Education Association (DVV). It operates worldwide to promote and support adult education as a key to sustainable development and poverty reduction. DVV International has been active in Kosovo since 2005 and has made significant contributions to state decision-making partners and other non-governmental partners in Kosovo. It has achieved high progress through supporting the development of an inclusive legislative framework, building training capacities, and increasing the participation of disadvantaged groups in adult education programs. Despite significant achievements and positive developments in recent years, the interpretation of adult education concepts in Kosovo has not yet significantly evolved towards overcoming age boundaries and promoting high-quality non-formal education. Currently, only a small number of non-profit providers offer courses for professional and personal development, as well as education for democracy and active citizenship in Kosovo.
During the current project period 2022-2024, DVV International in Kosovo is working to launch two pilot Adult Education Centers (ARr), based on the German Volkshochschule (VHS) model. The new ARr centers will be established in two selected municipalities: Prizren and Pejë. In Prizren, DVV International has secured an agreement to establish this center within the premises of OJQ THY, located at Rr. Ismet Jashari Kumanova, Nr. 106, 20000 Prizren.
To successfully launch the ARr center within the OJQ THY premises in Prizren, preliminary renovation of the facility is necessary. Therefore, DVV International is seeking a professional company through this open call to carry out the general renovation of the internal spaces (interior) of the OJQ THY building in Prizren.
- Plastering of walls
- Internal roof insulation
- Replacement of doors/windows
- Partitioning of building floors with glass and doors
- Installation of stair railings
- Renovation of two toilets
- Electrical and plumbing installations
- General painting of internal walls
- Installation of security cameras inside and outside the building
Timeline: 02 October 2023 – 31 October 2023. The completion deadline may be extended by a maximum of 2 weeks in mutual consultation if necessary due to weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances. The work schedule will be the responsibility of the selected company. Renovation work will begin immediately after signing the service contract between DVV International and the selected company. Payment will be made in installments, either upon full or partial completion of the contracted work. This will be clearly specified in the signed contract between both parties.
Application Criteria / Company Requirements
- The company must be registered in the Republic of Kosovo.
- The company should have at least 3 years of proven experience in renovation and maintenance of buildings.
- The company must have professional expertise / interior architects who will oversee and monitor the renovation and completion of work according to building/renovation standards and the signed contract.
- The company must demonstrate possession of machinery and professional staff for the efficient completion of contracted work.
- The company should offer the most reasonable price in line with market requirements in Kosovo.
All preliminary visits to the site by interested companies, who will assess and estimate the renovation of the building, can be coordinated in advance with the representatives of OJQ THY – Prizren, via email: info@ojqthy.org or Tel: +383 29 210 044.
Interested companies for the execution of the above-mentioned project works can submit their budget offers and other relevant documentation specified in section 1.4 to the email addresses: raliya@dvv-international-ks.org and info@ojqthy.org.
The deadline for submitting the offer and other relevant documentation is: 01 October 2023.
DVV International-Kosovo
(Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes)
Rr. Rexhep Mala, Nr. 26,
Prishtinë, 10 000, Kosovo

1. https://www.dvv-international.de/